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Neem Karoli Maharaj Ji's Teachings

  • Love everyone, Serve Everyone, Feed Everyone, Remember God.

  • ​Love all men as God, even if they hurt you or shame you. Be like Gandhi and Christ

  • Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity

  • Neem Karoli, Maharajji, asked an Indian girl four times, "do you like sorrow or joy?" each time the girl answered, " I've never known joy, Maharajji, only sorrow." finally, Maharajji said, " I love sorrow. it brings me closer to god

  • It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out in everything

  • Everything is impermanent, except the love of God

  • The heart never grows old

  • If you cannot love each other, you cannot achieve your goal

  • The best form to worship - God is every form

  • Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself

  • Serve the poor and remember God. You become one with Christ

  • It doesn't matter if you are married or not, it only matters how much you love God." He chided: "This world is all attachment. Yet you get worried because you are attached. 

  • Serve as Hanuman served

  • See god in everyone. it is deception to teach by individual differences and karma

  • Sab Ek (All One)

  • ​Ask God or Hanuman. I’m just an ordinary being. I can do nothing

  • ​You must accept the teachings of Christ and follow them.  Christ said to be like a little child- never think or speak anything that could harm anyone

  • I do nothing. God does everything

  • If you want to see God, kill desires. Desires are in the mind.

  • See God in everyone. it is deception to teach by individual differences and karma

  • To see God, you must have special eyes. Otherwise you cannot bear the shock

  • The best service you can do is to keep your thoughts on God. Keep God in mind every minute

  • Whoever may be your guru - he may be a lunatic or a common person. Once you have accepted him, he is the lord of lords

  • Keep God in your heart like you keep money in the bank

  • Saints did Jap (japa) and Sadhana for 10,000 years. Only then they could succeed in Jap, Meditation and Yoga. But people want to be expert within 5-7 months only

  • ​The eyes of a saint are always concentrated on the supreme self. The minute he is aware of himself, sainthood is lost

  • ​Forgiveness is the greatest weapon, because a saint so armed is unperturbable. He can give up anger immediately

  • The great sadhus don't have a human body. They are omnipresent.

  • If a saint changes form, he doesn't necessarily have to take on a human body.

  • When a man has reached the point where he can sit in meditation for six months, there is no need of eating,  no need of latrine or of rest. Only one drop of amrit nectar from the top of the head to the body keeps him alive. If a tiger eats that body there is no care, but only when the life comes back to the body will there be pain

  • ​Forgiveness is the greatest weapon, because a saint so armed is imperturbable. He can give up anger immediately

  • I am everybody's guru

  • ​I don't want anything. I exist only to serve others

  • I have no powers. I don't know anything

  • I am the father of the world. The whole world is my child

  • You can leave me. I won't leave you. Once I catch hold of you, I won't let go

  • The guru must know everything about you

  • When asked how the heart could be purified, Neem Karoli, Maharaj-ji said, Always speak the truth

  • It is not necessary to meet your guru on the physical plane. The guru is not external

  • When you remember me I come to you

  • See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. When you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away

  • Women are higher than yogis if they are loyal to their husbands

  • A pure woman is better than a hundred yogis. Women are more open to love God

  • If you do not make it empty, how will you fill it up again?

  • The soul is the small form and the human body is the huge form

  • When you have a desire for something, don't act on it and it will go away. If you desire to drink this cup of tea, don't, and the desire for it will go away

  • ​It is entirely against the traditions of the ashram that people should get away without getting Prasad

  • Often one goes for one thing and finds another

  • ​Total truth is necessary. You must live by what you say

  • If you have enough faith, you can give up money and possessions

  • Worldly people go outward, but you must go inward like the tortoise, withdrawing within your shell

  • Money should be used to help others

  • Work is worship

  • Temples are but piles of stones. Attachment holds you back

  • When you are sad or in pain or sick or you witness any cremation then you actually learn the many truths of life

  • Marriage is more attachment. You need more devotion and discipline to have union with God when you are married

  • Attachment is the strongest block to realization

  • Lust, Greed, Anger, Attachment - These are all paths to hell

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